The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center enriches the experience, fosters success, celebrates victories, and affirms the existence of Penn's LGBTQ+ undergraduates, professional and graduate students, staff, faculty, and alumni using the lenses of social justice and intersectionality.
LGBT Center Campus Events
Through education, support, and advocacy, the Center cultivates a campus climate where all students, regardless of their gender or sexual identity, can live authentically. Check out our calendar for events, weekly drop-in services, and collaborations!
Hours of Operation
Spring 2024
Monday – Thursday: 10am – 9pm
Friday: 10am – 4pm
Saturday – Sunday: Closed
Our Community News
LGBT Center Newsletter
Want to Reserve a Space at the LGBT Center?
The LGBT Center welcomes folks to use our space during our normal operating hours. Please note that we are no longer accepting reservation requests outside of these hours, including weekends. Submit your reservation requests through the link below! For any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact our Associate Director, Kristal Castro, at
LGBT Center Book Registry
The LGBT Center has served the Penn community for over four decades, providing a welcoming space and invaluable resources for LGBTQ students. However, our library has not kept up with the pace of progress. The median publication date of our books is 1998, meaning much of our collection is sadly out of date. With your generous donation, we can bring our library into the 21st century by stocking the shelves with contemporary works on queer and trans issues. This will enable emerging scholars to stay at the cutting edge of LGBTQ research and allow students their first introduction to queer literature and culture to access modern, relevant, and engaging materials. Your support will help the LGBT Center continue to foster a dynamic intellectual community on campus. Please give today!